第一季已经zuo了第二季更是将no zuo no die这一思想发挥到极致不过姐还是喜欢看所以请尽情地狗血下去吧哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. 94年其實是一個盛產好片的年份但是光芒均被這部片子掩蓋阿甘一直在路上他用奔跑告訴我們上帝的關門與開窗理論最愛是阿甘走在佛蒙特森林那一段sana动漫暗夜精灵第三集是人類所能感知之最美
Story line is emotional and realistic. It showcases what Japan was like during World War 2 and the Great Depression. It provides the same inner warm feeling you expect when watching the incredible animation of Ghibli. Short weekend getaway @ Independent cinema A/perture w/Mel.